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If your steroid cycle ends with any large ester based steroids HCG therapy will begin 10 days after your last injection and then be followed by SERM therapy once HCG use is complete. Serum levels of estrogens and estradiol will be measured approximately every 3 months to 3 years. In women in the middle of their menopausal period, HCG can be used in the following schedule. 4-6 months to 2 years of HCG 5 to 8 years to 1 year of HCG Some women do not require SERM therapy but may opt to switch to HCG if needed, de quervain's tenosynovitis rice (rest, ice, compression elevation). Although the need for SERM therapy is less with each dose, it is still advised to have SerM therapy available for at least one year. If your last injection was HCG-914, the maximum dosage is 2.5 mg/day (maximum effective dose: 914/2.5 mg equals 6.05 mg HCG). Note: This information is based on the dosage of HCG given in the United States, skin injection steroid lump hard under after. It is subject to change with regulations in other countries. In Canada or other countries not in the United States, the highest dose of steroid therapy recommended is 2.5 mg/day. Top of Page What are the risks of taking HCG, de quervain's tenosynovitis rice (rest, ice, compression elevation)? HCG has the potential to cause serious heart side effects. If you require heart valve replacement or angioplasty, do not use HCG if you have ever had heart problems, best anabolic steroids pills. Avoid HCG if you have other heart conditions, including high blood pressure, heart disease, or an enlarged heart valve (pulmonary embolism), tren bon vung chien thuat phuong y. If you have heart problems, make sure to read the warning on the label of any medical products you may take as that may affect your HCG dosage, metenolona para que serve. If you smoke, HCG is a carcinogenic medication. Smoking interferes with the absorption of HCG and can also cause serious cardiovascular problems such as myocardial infarction (blockade of blood flow to your heart) and heart attacks, steroids side effects vision. If you smoke, take it at least 50% less often than normal. When choosing to use HCG, check the label to see if the medication is available in a country where HCG is not available, anabolic pump side effects. Top of Page How should I take HCG? For optimal benefit, the recommended dose of HCG should be taken every day, de quervain's tenosynovitis rice (rest, ice, compression elevation)0. There are no specific daily doses, de quervain's tenosynovitis rice (rest, ice, compression elevation)1. It is recommended that a single 2-mg dose be taken once every 60 days. For maintenance, you can take HCG every day.
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