Offline advertising. Whenever applicable, put your site's URL in all your offline literature. From letterhead to business cards to adverts and pamphlets. You can even create stickers for your car. This sounds like small stuff in the world of advertising but I can guarantee you that you'll be surprised with the results that it can give you.
Ping search engines and aggregators each time you update your blog. Online users are always looking for something new. If you're offering exactly that, let Asia Email List them know by simply pinging aggregators and search engines about the updates that you're doing on your blog. If you do this right and if you do it on time, you should expect more traffic for your website.
Make your website visually appealing and one-of-a-kind. A friend of mine told me weeks ago that he was surprised to see sudden spike of traffic to his website. The source? From reputable css design portal that was impressed with his web design. So, be very creative and put in more time when designing your website so you'll get the same attention.