Building a strong business credit profile Telephone Number List with the Big Three Dun & Bradstreet®, Corporate Experian® and Corporate Telephone Number List Equifax® can take 2-4 years. Provided you do it right and work with any suppliers that report to these agencies. There are more than 50,000 suppliers that grant Telephone Number List business credit, but less than 10% of them report to the bureau.
So even if you pay all your suppliers Telephone Number List on time, your score is low or non-existent. Setting up a trade line with a supplier isn't the only Telephone Number List way to quickly start building a business credit profile, but it's one of the most important. This history becomes critical when you apply to your bank for a cash line of credit, merchant Telephone Number List account cash advance, or SBA loan. 2. What happens if I make a mistake?
This is different from your personal credit score, and if there are any Telephone Number List inaccuracies, you can submit a letter to Transunion®, Equifax® or Experian® who are required by law to respond and adhere to certain Telephone Number List standards of fairness and responsiveness. Commercial credit bureaus do not have any such rules. The system is far less forgiving and a lot harder to navigate. Based on your entity's EIN number, there is no oversight of how Telephone Number List they operate or when and how they update your files.