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The geriatric patients on an anabolic steroid treatment regimen with Anavar, the advised day-to-day dosage is 5 mg twice per day, and the recommended dose is 15 mg twice per day for healthy, young elderly patients with mild to moderate hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). "When prescribing large doses for sick or poorly controlled individuals, it is best to use an AAS, and for elderly patients, this should be a testosterone-based therapy. However, the evidence to date is only suggestive that this combination should be performed, and the benefit is likely limited in this population as many patients are receiving an AAS and have no other evidence of benefit in the way of long-term tumor reduction," Lopatin says. Lopatin is concerned about the long-term effects of testosterone on the elderly, who are typically a vulnerable population. He points out that many research studies have shown that older men living outside the US have higher lifetime suicide rates than those who live here, and many may be predisposed to cardiovascular disease and dementia. In addition, testosterone may influence brain function as well as bone health, potentially leading to cardiovascular disease, as well as dementia and other neurocognitive problems, he adds. "Our goal is to see whether these concerns should lead to restrictions of testosterone use, or if they may prompt clinicians to consider prescribing other nonsteroidal drugs for a longer period of time," Lopatin says. He adds that long-term research should clarify the benefits and risks associated with the treatment of a broad group of high-risk cancers. Similar articles: